Vote on ASHA Bylaw Change Needed

February 27, 2020

Vote on ASHA Bylaw Change Needed

Over the course of the last two years, ASHA has undergone a review of the current Governance Structure.  One of the key recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee on Governance Review called for consideration of sunsetting the current ASHA Audiology and Speech Language Pathology Advisory Councils (ACs) and from a Committee of Ambassadors (CoA).  The Board of Directors approved this bylaws resolution at its February board meeting. 

A special election will occur February 27th to March 17th at 3pm ET. A bylaws revision to sunset the Advisory Councils must be approved by the general membership of ASHA. This bylaw change requires a member vote because it revises section 3.3, Rights Reserved to the Members.  Should it be approved by a 2/3 majority of the members that vote, the changes will take effect on January 1, 2021.   For more information, please reference the landing page for the Governance Review Report Recommendations.

Both the Audiology Advisory Council (AAC) and the Speech Language Pathology Advisory Councils (SLPCA) are in overall support of sunsetting the ACs. Both ACs have given input and comment throughout the year.  The sunsetting of the ACs and the transition to the CoA is seen as a move in the right direction for our Association.  We will be able to maintain and expand the advocacy efforts that have grown with the Advisory Councils, as well as increase our outreach efforts.  We are now asking for your support in voting yes to amend the bylaws to sunset the ACs.