Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice Task Force

The Interprofessional  Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) Task Force is a new taskforce with a goal to establish and maintain relationships with other organizations within Illinois representing the many providers we collaborate with in providing SLP and AuD services to clients and their families. Ultimately, the task force's goal is to build upon these relationships to provide educational content across the professions related to IP care. 


  • Michelle Zemsky Dineen, Chair
  • Angela Riccelli
  • Leslie Guca
  • Meredith Baker Rush
  • Jennine Harvey-Northrop
  • Mary Smyers

Task Force Goals

  • Establishing at least two other associations as collaborators.
  • Increasing SLP's knowledge of IPECP by maintaining a steady stream of content for dissemination across platforms.
  • Source content for links to ISHA website, as allowed.
  • Serve as a resource for members of ISHA and a contact point for other professionals across Illinois.
  • Create content for a presentation at state conventions for each participating organization.