ISHA’s Medical Practice Issues Committee is an excellent resource for those members that have questions regarding practice in the medical setting. The committee has members with a vast array of experience and expertise. If you have a question related to an issue in the medical setting, please reach out to the committee chairs or the ISHA office. The Medical Practice Issues Committee met as a committee in April. Their next meeting will be in the next quarter. This committee has added two additional members.
ISHA’s Early Intervention Committee met during the 2024 ISHA Convention. New members have joined the committee.
ISHA’s School Affairs Committee continues to work with multiple committees on legislative language regarding SLPAs. Committee members continue to participate on the Speaking 4 Children Group to advocate for paid student internships/student teaching in the schools through ISBE. The committee continues to advocate for workload monitoring within the school setting. The workload calculator created by the School Affairs Committee is available to ISHA members. The committee has been reaching out to professional organizations, ISBE, and state legislatures to address the shortage of SLPS available to work in the school settings in different parts of the state and the reasons behind the shortages.
ISHA’s Telepractice Committee has released two surveys, (1) ISHA Membership Survey and (2) Survey of Illinois Universities, to gain membership and stakeholder feedback on areas or initiatives that would be most helpful for clinical practice and education in telepractice. The ISHA Voice article, "How can the Telepractice Committee serve you?" includes the committee mission and goals with requests to complete the surveys.
ISHA’s Ethics Education Committee finalized their goals for the year, formed a subcommittee to work on the Ethics Contest, and began planning for next year’s ISHA presentation. Michelle Zemsky Dineen has stepped down as the chair of the committee after years of excellent leadership. Tina Panzl and Amy Burke have stepped into the role of committee co-chairs.
ISHA members are welcome and encouraged to join ISHA committees. Participation in committee work provides the opportunity to connect with colleagues from around the state, share knowledge, advocate for change and progress, and provide guidance on issues impacting the professions. Those ISHA members interested in joining any one of the numerous ISHA committees should complete the Volunteer for ISHA form.