CMS Announces New Dementia Care Model
GUIDE Model Dementia Pathways Infographic (PDF)
Published December 2023 in the ISHA Voice
By Jordan Bowman
Jordan is the current ISHA President and serves as the ASHA StAMP representative for Illinois.
This summer, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced a new dementia care management model, Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE). The GUIDE Model will focus on:
- Improving the quality of life for people living with dementia
- Reducing the strain on their unpaid caregivers
- Enabling people living with dementia to remain in their homes and communities
The GUIDE Model is expected to achieve these goals through a comprehensive package of:
- Care coordination
- Care management
- Caregiver education and support
- Respite services
The model, which also includes a health equity strategy, will run for eight years beginning July 1, 2024. On the Innovation Model Webpage for the GUIDE Model, it is also noted that:
“The eight-year model will offer two tracks: one for established programs and one for new programs. Established programs must have an interdisciplinary care team, including a care navigator, use an electronic health record platform that meets the standards for Certified Electronic Health Record Technology, and meet other care delivery requirements as outlined in the [Request for Applications] RFA. New programs must not be operating a comprehensive community-based [Dementia Care Program] DCP at the time of model announcement and will have a one-year pre-implementation period to establish their programs.”
CMS expects to release the application for the GUIDE in Fall 2023. For more information regarding the model overview, model purpose, and model design, please visit the websites noted in the Reference / Resources section below.
References and Resources
- Innovation Model Webpage
- CMS Press Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Medicare Dementia Care Model
- Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) Model Overview Factsheet
- GUIDE Model Dementia Pathways Infographic
- GUIDE Model Frequently Asked Questions
- GUIDE Model Letter of Interest
Jordan is a speech-language pathologist and Vice President of Business Development for Powerback Rehabilitation. Jordan is also the ASHA StAMP representative for Illinois and the 2023-2024 ISHA President.